Miles are just miles, time is just seconds and days. We create and assign meaning to every minute and every mile. Choose to spend your time with people, trails and things that give your training and life meaning! To that end, I run with the Excelsior Running Club, a co-ed running club based in the Bay Area that competes in the PAUSATF Road, Mountain/Ultra/Trail, and Cross Country circuits. I’m also a member of the Dolphin South End Runners in San Francisco— come out to a weekly DSE race! They’re only $5 for non-members! I’m lucky enough to be coached by SWAP running and I volunteer with Back on My Feet, an amazing organization that combats homelessness through the power of community and running. I’m Road Runners Club of America (RRCA) Level 1 Certified Coach, although not actively coaching— mostly just completed the course out of curiosity/wanting to learn more!
When I’m not sitting in front of a computer, you can usually find me on the trails in and around San Francisco, CA. Running has become a huge part of my life—especially all the amazing communities that I have the pleasure and privilege to share miles with:
- I race in the PAUSATF Road and Mountain/Ultra/Trail series with the Excelsior Running Club
- I volunteer with Back on My Feet, an amazing organization that combats homelessness through the power of community and running
- I’m super, super lucky to be coached by David Roche and be part of the amazing Some Work, All Play (SWAP) team with David, Megan Roche, and Addie Dog
- I am an ambassador for AtlasGO, which leads the fitness for good movement
- I’m a member of the Dolphin South End runners club, which puts on races for as little as $3 and $5 every week
Can't remember exactly where it was taken during Skyline 50K 2019, but it was early enough that my smile still looks somewhat normal. PC: Jay Boncodin
Race results
- Fourmidable 50k - 14th overall in 4:05:58 ⌇ Results ⌇ What a course! Pretty much nailed all the splits how I wanted to. Super faaaast field out there!
- Christmas Relays - Excelsior Open Men A - 4th overall in 1:34:35 ⌇ Results ⌇ Ran 3rd and accordingly ran the slowest leg on the team for the day, but ran a small PR on the Lake Merced Loop and we ran the fastest Christmas Relay time in team history and got 4th overall!
- California International Marathon - PR (2:35:27) ⌇ Fell a little short of the goal I was chasing, but can’t complain about 3 marathon PRs in a year!
- Berlin Marathon - PR (2:36:08)
- Skyline 50k - 3rd overall in 3:59:21 ⌇ Results
- Quicksilver Endurance Runs 100K - 3rd overall in 10:14:12 ⌇ Super proud of this one! Ran with Jon and Jason for many of the first 15-20 miles. Amanda was the world’s best crew, and Karl was an amazing pacer—wouldn’t have kept it steady through the 90+-degree temperatures without them!
- Folsom Lake Trail Run Half Marathon - 2nd overall in 1:27:41 ⌇ Results
- Chevron Houston Marathon - PR (2:37:37) ⌇ Results
- Clarksburg County Half - 11th overall and a half PR in 1:13:52 ⌇ Results ⌇ Wow, this just blew away even my wildest expectations for a really good day. Almost a 4-minute PR in the half distance, which is wild.
- Skyline 50k - 9th overall in 4:43:32 ⌇ Results ⌇ Race site ⌇ Third time running this race, and it just wasn’t my day. Sat at the last aid station for a good 10-15 minutes with some amazing volunteers encouraging me to get to the finish.
- Golden Gate Trail Run 30K - 3rd overall in 2:20:59 ⌇ Race was discontinued, but Coastal Trail Runs has a Winter edition of this + many other races
- Canyons 100K - 37th overall, 27th male in 11:41:11 ⌇Results ⌇ Race Site ⌇ First 100K and first time experiencing my quads not working
- 🐸 Way Too Cool 50K - 11th overall in 3:42:36 ⌇ Results ⌇ Race Site
- ⛰ Mt. Umunhum 14K - 3rd overall in 1:00:57 ⌇ Results ⌇ Race Site
- 🐻 California International Marathon - Personal Best in 2:41:32 ⌇ Results ⌇ Race Site
- 🦃 Oakland Turkey Trot - 🥉 3rd overall, 1st AG and 1st 🥧 costume ⌇ Results ⌇ Race Site
- 🌲 Skyline 50K - 6th overall in 4:08:14 ⌇ Results ⌇ Race Site
- 🇮🇹 Statuto 8K - 🥇 1st overall in 27:32 ⌇ Results ⌇ Race Site
- 🐃 Jed Smith 50K - 🥇 1st overall in 3:33:21 ⌇ Results ⌇ Race Site
How I started running
I love hearing how everyone got their start running. We’re all born knowing how to run, but running as a sport is still kind of funny when you think about it. “My sport is your sports’ punishment” was always something we joked about in high school XC proudly. But here’s how I got into running in case you’re curious!
Growing up, I loved watching and playing basketball. I was never great at it, and getting picked last made me super anxious whenever I stepped on a court. My parents dropped me off on their way to work an hour and a half before school started, so I started shooting around every morning. I loved shooting. When I went to try out for the team in ninth grade, Coach Blakeley told me that maybe basketball wasn’t my sport, but that it looked like I never really got tired out there, so maybe I should consider going out for cross country. Doing a sport meant that I didn’t have to take PE, which meant room for another AP or elective, so my high school self was very motivated to get on a team. That’s how I got started running cross country. My first practice, my mom dropped me off in the wrong part of Joaquin Miller Park, and I ran around the park, got super lost, and never found the team. The second practice went a little bit better, but even at a small school, running was definitely never really my thing. I enjoyed being on the team, but I never really enjoyed running. I would hear words like “tempo” and workouts, but I never thought to ask what they meant all three years I ran cross country.
I remember coming in second DFL at the NCS meet. When I got to Stanford for undergrad, despite the amazing weather, I stopped running and got really into weight lifting and basketball now that I had access to an amazing gym and basketball courts for free. I didn’t quite put on the freshman fifteen, but I definitely gained some weight. I was also putting on muscle from all the lifting, so I didn’t think too much of it. But by junior year, I felt really heavy and unhappy with my weight, so I started up running again, mostly just running campus loop and eventually the dish a couple days a week.
The big breakthrough for me came when I discovered Runkeeper and later Strava. The pace information, automatic tracking, goals, personal bests on segments—I was hooked, and these all helped form a running habit that I wouldn’t break. Once I could track all my runs and see the day-to-day, run-to-run improvement, I started to enjoy running a heck of a lot more. When I started my startup, I didn’t have much of a budget for a gym, and while I could still access the Stanford gym for a year or two after while I was on leave from my Masters, when low on time, lacing up my shoes and getting out the door for a quick run quickly became my preferred stress relief, meditation, therapy, and break from coding. Later, I met lots of friends and a great running community and running club that reinvigorated my love for running. Since then I’ve run nine marathons, including my first Boston Marathon in April 2018.
Follow me on Strava, Instagram, or Athlinks, and hopefully I’ll see you soon at a race or on a run around SF!
Favorite Running Blogs/Weekly Columns
- Wayne aka SF Runner’s Blog: Amazing history about SF Francisco races from my friend Wayne!
- AJW’s Weekly Column in iRunFar
- And of course, my coach, David Roche’s column in Trail Runner Magazine: Here are some of my favorites:
- 8 Dirty Little Secrets of Trail Running, See discussion on Reddit
- “So believe through the crappy days. It’s the only way to get anywhere close to your potential.”
- “What can be so transformative and transcendent about running is that it’s a lot like life, but the stakes aren’t quite the same. So let’s use it as a trial run for everything else.”
- What “Talent” Means And How We Can Use it
- “Sometimes magic is just someone spending more time on something than anyone else might reasonably expect.” -Teller
- My friend Frank Chan’s awesome running Strava art! The Pizza slice 🍕 run was EPIC
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